Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How to Pass Gas with Class (ala Jobo)

(1) Try the dispersal technique
Make up an excuse to cross the room. With every step silently release gas in controlled quantities, one step at a time.

(2) Try the blame game
Point at nearest person when you release gas and say: "Chester (or the name of the person nearest you), you farted again!!"

(3) Create a distraction
Before passing gas, say "Look, a three headed man on a donkey!" then fart. Nobody will notice, believe me!

(4) Get flowers
When you release gas say "Hmmmmm, lilacs (or whatever flower scent). Just make sure the flower really smells good!

(5) If all else fails, just say: "Oopppps, sorry I farted" and smile your cutest, sweetest smile. Or, better yet, give an early warning like, "Excuse me, i'm gonna fart...in three, two, one kabooom!". And go ahead and let loose! Ahhh, works all the time!!! Refreshing!

**These words of wisdom were shared to you by Jobo, with a little help from Mommy and Bryzzia, as well as Sophia**